Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May Gardening Class

Next Gardening Session
May 16 @ 9:30

 I hope everyone's gardens have gotten started! If not, it isn't too late. Session 2 is next week. We will gather in the garden again and discuss organic gardening techniques to grow your own food. Emphasis is on less work and more food! You don't need a big space or a lot of money to get going. If your garden is started you'll want to make sure you can keep it going and producing throughout the season. 

As always, you are welcome to bring your children.

This session I would like to hold a plant swap at the end of the class. Bring your extra veggie and flower plants that you would like to trade for something else. 

I have scheduled more classes throughout the season. You are welcome to attend all of them but it is not required. 

Class 3  Thursday, July 18 9:30 and 5:30
Class 4  ThursdaySept 12 9:30 and 5:30

register for all classes at
class held in East Sandwich