Monday, March 18, 2013

Checkout the sewing kids!

The sewing class last week was so much fun. Four girls gathered around the table to make bunnies and pillows.They used recycled sweaters for their creations. When they returned home I heard more bunnies were made and more sweaters were collected for an enterprising young lady that plans to sell pillows!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Woodworking for beginners

Woodworking /Tools for beginners

All children should learn to use basic hand tools and start on the road to self sufficiency. To learn to repair things instead of throwing away and buying new. Parents are welcome to attend too, it's never to late to learn!

Thursday April 4  12:30-2:30
The gardening class is also held this day from 9:30 -11:00.
Come to both and make a day of it!
$10 per person ($7 additional family members). Includes materials for a small project to build and take home. 


Friday, March 8, 2013

Gardening class

You CAN grow your own food for your family. The growing season is starting, there couldn't be a better time to learn.

Join us for a relaxing morning in the garden. Learn about how to grow more in less space, raised beds, berry patch, espalier orchard, re-purposing items to use in the garden, children in the garden and an artful garden.

Bring your coffee or tea, camera, pad and paper to take notes and lots of questions

Children are welcome to attend.

Thursday April 4, 9:30-11:00
$10 per family
sign up at
Find us on Facebook
 There will also be a woodworking class, for kids and beginners, later in the day from 12:30-2:30.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kids Med.....for the boys!

This weeks Kids Med was all boys! My little cowgirl held her own, they were an amazing bunch of 3-11 year old learners. Three mom's rounded out the class, braved the chilly weather and learned right along side their little men.

One of the mom's is a photographer  and she captured these wonderful memories. If you missed the class please join me at my FaceBook page or follow this blog to get updates on new classes.